

  • Hybrid

    the Grand Hybrid, born from the union of angels and demons, is believed to possess the highest lineage among hybrids. When awakened, this extraordinary being, known as the ‘Apex Hybrid’, is said to have the power to blow up the universe.
    Contrary to Jake’s desire for a simple and ordinary life, angels and devils eventually seek him out as the ultimate ‘Apex Hybrid’. They employ various strategies to convince him to join their respective sides.

    the Grand Hybrid, born from the union of angels and demons, is believed to possess the highest lineage among hybrids. When awakened, this extraordinary being, known as the ‘Apex Hybrid’, is said to have the power to blow up the universe.
    Contrary to Jake’s desire for a simple and ordinary life, angels and devils eventually seek him out as the ultimate ‘Apex Hybrid’. They employ various strategies to convince him to join their respective sides.

  • Heaven's Design Team

    In Heaven's Animal Design Department, designers create a variety of new animals daily while contending with the unreasonable requests of their client: God. Funny, interesting, and full of useful information, this series answers questions such as, "Why can't unicorns exist?", "What makes an animal taste delicious?", "What's the most powerful creature in the ocean?", and, "Bird versus snake: who would win?" You won't believe it's a manga series when you read up on the featured animals in the included encyclopedia entries. Heaven's Design Team will make your next trip to the zoo or aquarium 100 times more fun!

    In Heaven's Animal Design Department, designers create a variety of new animals daily while contending with the unreasonable requests of their client: God. Funny, interesting, and full of useful information, this series answers questions such as, "Why can't unicorns exist?", "What makes an animal taste delicious?", "What's the most powerful creature in the ocean?", and, "Bird versus snake: who would win?" You won't believe it's a manga series when you read up on the featured animals in the included encyclopedia entries. Heaven's Design Team will make your next trip to the zoo or aquarium 100 times more fun!
